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The Formation in Virtues document guides the reader through the Catholic Virtues using artwork by Giotto do Bondone. Giotto is sometimes known as the ‘Father’ of Renaissance art. His images of the Virtues were painted in nave of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua. As worshippers left the Church they would have passed by depictions of the Virtues and their Vices before reaching an awesome scene of the Last Judgement.
Giotto seemed to be saying that as we travel along the way that will lead towards the Last Judgement, we need to deal with the practical business of aiming for these virtues or avoiding these vices.
Giotto seemed to be saying that as we travel along the way that will lead towards the Last Judgement, we need to deal with the practical business of aiming for these virtues or avoiding these vices.

Please find further resources on the Catholic Virtues below:
This is a website created by Catholic leaders in education from the Diocese of Leeds. It includes resources for primary schools, organised so that different virtues are focussed on throughout the school year to improve the school community’s virtue literacy and to deepen understanding and appreciation of the essential role the virtues play in the education of the whole person towards human flourishing.
The Jesuit Institute has a useful page on the Jesuit Pupil Profile (JPP) which was developed by the schools of the British Jesuit Province. The JPP proposes eight pairs of virtues that sum up what a pupil in a Jesuit school is growing to be. This link includes useful articles, a schedule and a selection of documents from the Archdioceses of Birmingham and Cardiff.
Catholic Character Education
This resource produced by the Diocese of Leeds explains the importance of 'Virtue Literacy' & how the Catholic virtues play a part in all areas of education to give children the skills they need to flourish & help others flourish as well.